METEOR at a glance
The METEOR Project focusses on the job retention of healthcare workers in the European Union. More specifically, METEOR aims to enhance the scientific knowledge on job retention of healthcare workers in Europe and we will develop policy recommendations to increase job retention for this occupational group. METEOR will achieve this in two ways. First, one online survey will be submitted to physicians and nurses in eight hospitals in four diverse EU countries (i.e. Belgium, the Netherlands, Poland and Italy). Second, co-creation workshops will be organised with various key stakeholders to develop evidence-based policy recommendations. All the collected information will be offered to the stakeholders in a dynamic, interactive and easy-accessible online toolbox.
Scientific Knowledge
Persons benefiting from the project:
We will undoubtedly have an impact on the target stakeholders in the participating hospitals (e.g. 930 physicians and 1300 nurses in the Local Health Facility of Agrigento), but we will potentially also affect stakeholders in the consortium countries and beyond.
Expected results:
1) Increase knowledge on retention determinants, interventions and policies;
2) Develop policy recommendations with key stakeholders;
4) Communicate and disseminate our knowledge through an online toolbox.
Outputs to be produced:
1) Two systematic reviews;
2) Analysis of micro-level retention policies;
2) Analysis of retention determinants in the hospitals;
3) List of policy recommendations;
4) Online toolbox.

meteor at a glance
The METEOR Project focusses on the job retention of healthcare workers in the European Union. More specifically, METEOR aims to enhance the scientific knowledge on job retention of healthcare workers in Europe and we will develop policy recommendations to increase job retention for this occupational group. METEOR will achieve this in two ways. First, one online survey will be submitted to physicians and nurses in eight hospitals in four diverse EU countries (i.e. Belgium, the Netherlands, Poland and Italy). Second, co-creation workshops will be organised with various key stakeholders to develop evidence-based policy recommendations. All the collected information will be offered to the stakeholders in a dynamic, interactive and easy-accessible online toolbox.

Scientific Knowledge
METEOR Project will enhance scientific knowledge on the topic by conducting two systematic reviews. The first one on the main predictors of job retention, and the second one on interventions related to job retention of healthcare workers.
Timing: April – May 2022

Online Survey
One online survey of approximately 10 minutes will be submitted to physicians and nurses in eight hospitals of the four participating EU countries: Belgium, Netherlands, Italy and Poland. The link to the survey will be provided on this website.
Timing: February – May 2022

A minimum of two workshops will be organised to develop evidence-based policy recommendations with various stakeholders: policy makers, health managers and healthcare workers. The methodology of co-creation will be used to make them highly interactive and dynamic.
Timing: October 2022-2023

Online Toolbox
As a final result, METEOR will deliver an easily accessible, open access and searchable online toolbox with a focus on job retention of healthcare workers, which will be integrated on this website. We will use the co-creation approach to develop this online toolbox, in an iterative manner with multiple stakeholders.
Timing: 2022 – 2024