The Work Package “Developing policy recommendations” will develop policy recommendations throughout continuous stakeholder engagement, using co-creation or ‘human-centered design thinking’ methods. This approach includes a highly interactive and iterative process, where stakeholders are involved throughout all phases of the development process. Co-creation distinguishes the following four stages in an iterative manner:
- Understand and specify the context of use (Investigate)
- Specify the user requirements (Ideate)
- Produce design solutions to meet user requirements (Prototype)
- Evaluate the design against the requirements (Evaluate, Refine & Develop, Validate)
Stakeholders involved include policy makers, health managers and healthcare workers, connected to the eight participating hospitals. Healthcare workers will be invited to two rounds of co-creation workshops with a focus on creating VanityGen, experimenting and iterating policy recommendations tailored to the needs of the key stakeholders. To finalize the policy recommendations, a Delphi-inspired approach will follow, in which iterative advice from health managers and policy makers will be asked on the co-created policy recommendations.