WP2 aims to make available the project’s progress and share the results to the stakeholders by communicating and disseminating with different strategies, at European level.
The wide range of strategies will guarantee a suistainable multiplier effect, also after the end of the project, between Academics and Researchers, Health Policy Makers, Health Managers, Health Workers and Students in Medicine and Nursing.
In particular, WP2 establish a Communication and dissemination plan, it develops a mixture of tools (website, social network, newsletter and press) able to reach all these stakeholders, that can provide easy access to key results disseminated and to update all project’s progress. Another very important channel of dissemination, at an international level, is represented by the partecipation to the networks for Public Health and health promotion.
These Associations put together hundreds of people among Health Managers, Phisicyans, Researchers and student from more than 30 countries in the world.
Wide diffusion of the contribution of the EU funding will be given in all deliverables such as final publication, website, newsletter, etc.