Kick-off meeting

Il 20 aprile 2021 è stato organizzato un kickoff meeting per il lancio ufficiale di METEOR. Tutti e cinque i partner del consorzio (cioè KU Leuven, UNIPA, SG, SUM e CEFPAS) hanno presentato i loro obiettivi e le loro ambizioni all’UE, che ha avviato discussioni interessanti e feedback preziosi per portare il progetto a un … Read more

Work Package 7

Work Package 7 Developing an online, open-access and ready-to-use toolbox The Work Package  “Developing an online, open-access and ready-to-use toolbox” aims to deliver a toolbox, that will inform and support key stakeholders to implement the policy recommendations that have been developed in Work Package 6. A first version of the online toolbox will be published … Read more

Work Package 6

Work Package 6. Developing policy recommendations The Work Package “Developing policy recommendations” will develop policy recommendations throughout continuous stakeholder engagement, using co-creation or ‘human-centered design thinking’ methods. This approach includes a highly interactive and iterative process, where stakeholders are involved throughout all phases of the development process. Co-creation distinguishes the following four stages in an … Read more

Work Package 5

Work Package 5 Data collection and analysis on motivation, job satisfaction, burnout and intention to leave The Work Package “Data collection and analysis on main determinants of Job Retention among health care workers” encompasses three main activities: Survey design: based on validated questionnaires, METEOR will design an online survey to collect data on burnout, mental … Read more

Work Package 4

Overview of determinants, interventions and micro-level policies regarding retention of health care workers The Work Package “Overview of Determinants, interventions and micro-level policies” is dedicated to conduct two Systematic Reviews: A systematic review on the main determinants of job retention in health care workers (physicians and nurses); A systematic review on the existing interventions (good … Read more

Work Package 3

Work Package 3 Monitoring and evaluation of the project The Work Package “Evaluation” aims to monitor and assess the project’s activities. More specifically this Work Package focuses on the following two activities: Internal quality evaluation of the overall and specific objectives of the project; External evaluation of the utility and translational aspects of projects deliverables, … Read more

Work Package 2

Work Package 2 Dissemination of the project The Work Package “Dissemination and Communication” aims to publish the project’s progress and communicate the results to all relevant stakeholders at national and European level. A wide range of communication and dissemination strategies will guarantee a sustainable multiplier effect between Academics, Researchers, Health Policy Makers, Health Managers, Health … Read more

Work Package 1

Work Package 1 Coordination of the project The Work Package “Coordination of the project” aims to ensure that METEOR’s objectives are met with high quality, on schedule and within the budget. This Work Package monitors the project’s progress towards the objectives and ensures smooth and successful execution of the project, including all Work Packages, tasks … Read more