Prof. Godderis Speaks to Artsenkrant About the Latest METEOR Study

In a recent interview with ‘Artsenkrant’, a leading Belgian magazine for doctors Prof. Lode Godderis discussed the latest findings from the METEOR project’s study on factors influencing physicians’ and nurses’ decisions to remain in their hospital jobs. “Caregivers stay for a variety of reasons, and it’s certainly not just about pay,” Prof. Godderis told Artsenkrant. … Read more

METEOR Takes Part in Health Workforce Projects Cluster Meeting in Utrecht

METEOR researchers Anke Boone from KU Leuven, Domenica Matranga, and Laura Maniscalco from UNIPA, participated in the inaugural workshop of the Health Workforce Projects Cluster. The workshop aimed to maximise outcomes achieved by five research projects, promote mutual learning from each other’s experiences, and strategise joint efforts. The Health Workforce Projects Cluster brings together five … Read more

METEOR presents first results during webinar for researchers, healthcare workers

Members of Meteor research consortium presented the project’s first results during an online seminar on 28 November 2022 titled “Should I stay or should I go. Why healthcare workers intend to quit”. The event, organised by Meteor partner UNIPA, brought together more than 40 participants, including healthcare scholars, doctors and nurses, and featured five presentations. … Read more

METEOR Researchers Attend EPH Conference in Berlin

METEOR researchers Anke Boone, and Olivia Lavreysen, representing KU Leuven, attended the 15th European Public Health Conference in Berlin. During the conference, they presented their work on burnout, turnover, and retention of healthcare workers, while also taking the opportunity to learn about the state of European health from various perspectives, including research, policy, education, and … Read more

Online EU Health Workforce Projects Cluster Event ‘Fighting access to health inequalities by improving health worker retention and task shifting policies’

The event took place on 29 March and was hosted by the EU Health Policy Platform. The METEOR first results were presented by Peter De Winter from Spaarnegasthuis who gave an overview of the state of the art and Domenica Matranga from UNIPA who presented the methodology of the survey on main determinants of job … Read more

The first results of METEOR will be soon presented!

Join the ONLINE EU Health Workforce Projects Cluster Event ‘Fighting access to health inequalities by improving health worker retention and task shifting policies’ on Tuesday the 29th of March 2022, 2.30-4.30pm, Brussels Time.Peter de Winter and Domenica Matranga will present for METEOR Project . The aim of this webinar is to share information on the … Read more

Virtual Health Days

On 11 October 2021, an online seminar was organised by AXA on mental health at the workplace, including the impact of COVID-19 on the mental health of healthcare workers. Dr. Niti Pall (HARBR Board chair, Senior advisor digital health AXA Emerging Customers, Medical director KPMG global healthcare practice) explains that ‘the profound effect the crisis … Read more

Watch the online Webinar ‘Burnout Prevention’ (Dutch and French only)

Healthcare workers worldwide are experience high levels of work pressure, resulting in increasing numbers of stress-related disorders and burnout. In this Webinar  this topic is further explored academically and practically by Prof. Dr. Lode Godderis and Dr. Ann-Marie Morel. “Prevention is one of the most important weapons in the fight against burnout,” says Professor Lode Godderis, who is … Read more

Join us on the EU launch event!

The webinar on the Health Workforce Projects Cluster is public for everyone and will be held on the EU Health Policy Platform.  This project covers five EU-funded projects, focusing on three topics: medical deserts, task shifting and job retention.  Don’t forget to register: Click here for registration link and agenda!

Connecting with our hospitals

Meteor project emphasises the importance of continuous stakeholder engagement throughout full project duration. As a first step, all consortium partners (i.e. KU Leuven, UNIPA, SG, SUM and CEFPAS) have been in contact with the hospitals that will play a prominent role in our project:

In July, September and October 2021 the focus of our project is to contact these hospitals and discuss content (i.e. What are their ideas on job retention? What are they already doing?) and practical issues (i.e. submitting the online survey, organising workshops).

We will keep you updated on our progress!